Sports Commentary - Racism and The Black Athlete: Listen to Their Voices, Hear Their Cries

By Dale Brown NEW YORK, NY. Tuesday, June 30, 2020 -- Racism and racial issues in sports have had a very long history in the United States and the world. We should analyze how White supremacy, White privilege, inequality, and police brutality, have been systematically used by the White leaders to ensure that the Black athletes are kept in their place by way of social hierarchies and supported by Institutionalized racism. The Black person has faced endless persecution, bitter humiliation, wanton lynching and every form of mental and physical degradation. They have endured and survived centuries by confronting the denial of their basic Human Rights with a steely resolve and resiliency which reflects the brightness of a truly unique spirit. True to their indomitable spirit, athletes have continued to bravely use their platform to protest the persistent and insidious use of racism which, unfortunately, every Black person is likely to experience at some point in the...